Beasyglyder 32 Transfer Board

Part Number: 1300
Retail Price:
Price: $249.00 Ea
- Portable 32" Length
- Curved shape makes transfering around wheelchair arms.
- Optional carry case available
- 400lb Capacity
Anyone faced with the challenge of transferring a family member or patient from a wheelchair will appreciate the benefits of the BeasyTrans Glider.
The 32" BeasyGlyder portable transfer board system is curved in design to aid in transferring an individual from a wheelchair, particularly when the arm is not removable or the wheel is an obstacle.
The Beasy Board Glider Transfer board includes two pieces: a Beasy Glyder board and a round disc that slides the length of the board, secure within the board's track. The Beasy disc moves in a frictionless manner and rotates 360 making it easy sit, turn and move down the board. The Beasy seat supports the user's weight as the transfer occurs. The friction is borne by the system, not the user's skin.
It is recommended that transfers always occur with a caregiver or attendant present. Because of the special design of the Beasy Transfer Board, no lifting is required, reducing physical strain on the caregiver.
Each light weight Beasy Board system has a 400 lb capacity. These systems have helped many individuals remain at home, continuing treatments, if needed, as an outpatient.