By: Pride Mobility
Part Number: DWR1404B003
Unit of Measure: EA
Part Number: DWR1404B003
Unit of Measure: EA
This part is compatible with the following products:
Manual Front Riggings IPB
- Center Mount Foot Platform - Standard (Version 1), TB3
- AFP & Center Mount Lower Extensions, No Footplates
- AFP & Center Mount Lower Extensions & Tapered Footplates
- Center Mount Foot Platform - Pediatric (Version 1), TB3
Powered Front Riggings IPB
- AFP Lower's and Footplates, Q6 Edge 3, TRU Balance® 4
- TB3 Independent / Simultaneous AFP Lower Extensions & Tapered Footplates
- AFP Lower's and Footplates, 4Front 2, TRU Balance® 4
- AFP Lower's and Footplates, Q6 Edge 3 Stretto, TRU Balance® 4
- AFP & Center Mount Lower Extensions, No Footplates
- AFP & Center Mount Lower Extensions & Tapered Footplates
Q4 Seat
- AFP & Center Mount Lower Extensions, No Footplates
- Center Mount Foot Platform - Standard (Version 1), TB3
- AFP & Center Mount Lower Extensions & Tapered Footplates
- AFP & Center Mount Lower Extensions, No Footplates
- AFP & Center Mount Lower Extensions & Tapered Footplates
- Center Mount Foot Platform Lowers & Non-Tapered Footplates
TRU Balance® 4 Seating & Electronics
- AFP Lower's and Footplates, 4Front 2, TRU Balance® 4
- AFP Lower's and Footplates, Q6 Edge 3 Stretto, TRU Balance® 4
- AFP Lower's and Footplates, Q6 Edge 3, TRU Balance® 4