loadingLoading... Q500h


Name: Q500h: Power Chair Filler Module
Manufacturer: Sunrise Medical
Power Chair Filler Module parts diagram
(Click on image to enlarge)

Pos. Part # Description Price UOM Buy
1 - 7 168247 FILLER SD DECAL
3 000102544-002 NUT ISO7040 M8 A2-70 N/A EA Please Call
4 000130108 WASHER ISO7089 8, 4 A2
5 20010129 SPACER PLATE D=16, d=9, H=4- used with 3, 6 & 9 degree seat frame angle N/A EA Please Call
6 000104085 BHCS ISO7380 M8 X 30 10.9 ZN NP N/A EA Please Call
7 000104140 BHCS ISO7380 M8 X 16 10.9 DPS PL N/A EA Please Call
8 103185-005 BHCS, M6 X 1 X 12, FUL, PL