Quickie Qm-7 Series
Name: Quickie Qm-7 SEries: Qm710 Wiring S/n Prefix Qm710b, Qm715b & Qm720b And Qm710c, Qm715c & Qm720c
Manufacturer: Sunrise Medical
Manufacturer: Sunrise Medical
Pos. | Part # | Description | Remarks | Price | UOM | Buy |
1A | 101626 | VR2 JOYSTICK HARNESS - 500mm - 19.5"- Controller to Joystick - Drive Only | Controller to Joystick - Drive Only |
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1B | 101626-100 | VR2 JOYSTICK HARNESS - 1000mm - 40"- Controller to Joystick - Tilt Only | Controller to Joystick - Tilt Only |
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2A | 108316-050 | R-NET BUS HARNESS - 500mm - 19.5"- Dist Block to ISM or Dist Block to Bluetooth mounted on Seat | Dist Block to ISM or Dist Block to Bluetooth mounted on Seat |
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2B | 108316-120 | R-NET BUS HARNESS - 1200mm - 47"- Non-expandable Rnet Bus Ext to ISM with Legrests only, or Rnet Bus Ext to Dist Block without Tilt/Lift combo, or Dist Block to Omni or Output Module with Power Recline | Non-expandable Rnet Bus Ext to ISM with Legrests only, or Rnet Bus Ext to Dist Block without Tilt/Lift combo, or Dist Block to Omni or Output Module with Power Recline |
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2C | 108316-030 | R-NET BUS HARNESS - 300mm - 12"- Controller Joystick Port to Bluetooth, or Dist Block or Bluetooth to Output Module without Power Recline, or Controller Joystick Port to ISM in Base | Controller Joystick Port to Bluetooth, or Dist Block or Bluetooth to Output Module without Power Recline, or Controller Joystick Port to ISM in Base |
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2D | 108316-100 | R-NET BUS HARNESS - 1000mm - 40"- Distribution Block to Attendant Control, or Rnet Ext to Dist Block with Tilt/Lift combo | Distribution Block to Attendant Control, or Rnet Ext to Dist Block with Tilt/Lift combo |
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3A | 108557-100 | R-NET BUS EXTENSION - 1000mm - 40"- Controller Joystick Port or ISM in Base or Bluetooth in Base to Rnet Ext without Tilt or with Tilt/Lift combo | Controller Joystick Port or ISM in Base or Bluetooth in Base to Rnet Ext without Tilt or with Tilt/Lift combo |
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3B | 108557-050 | HARNESS RNET BUS EXT 500mm- Controller Joystick Port or ISM in Base or Bluetooth in Base to Rnet Ext without Tilt or with Tilt/Lift combo | Controller Joystick Port or ISM in Base or Bluetooth in Base to Rnet Ext without Tilt or with Tilt/Lift combo |
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4A | 111438-020 | THRU DRIVE POWER HARNESS - 200mm - 4"- Controller Actuator Port to Base Adapter Harness (Tilt or Lift) | Controller Actuator Port to Base Adapter Harness (Tilt or Lift) |
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4B | 117071-120 | ISM DRIVE ACTUATOR HARNESS - 1200mm - 47"- ISM to Top of Lift | ISM to Top of Lift | N/A | EA | Please Call |
5A | 020063-070 | ACTUATOR HARNESS TILT- 700mm - 27.5"- Tilt to Base Tilt Harness | Tilt to Base Tilt Harness |
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5B | 020063-100 | ACTUATOR HARNESS TILT OR LIFT - 1000mm - 39"- 2/3 Axis Actuator Driver to Tilt | 2/3 Axis Actuator Driver to Tilt |
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5C | 020063-160 | ACTUATOR HARNESS POWER LEG - 1600mm - 63"- 3 Axis Actuator Driver to Power Legs | 3 Axis Actuator Driver to Power Legs |
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6A | 104977-020 | BASE TILT HARNESS - 200mm - 8"- Controller Charger Port to Thru Drive Power Harness to Tilt | Controller Charger Port to Thru Drive Power Harness to Tilt |
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6B | 119301-060 | BASE LIFT HARNESS - 600mm - 23.5"- Controller Charger Port to Thru Drive Power Harness to Lift | Controller Charger Port to Thru Drive Power Harness to Lift | N/A | EA | Please Call |
7A | 108278-150 | ISM ACTUATOR HARNESS - 1500mm - 59" (A-2 LABEL)- ISM to Power Leg Right,without Power Recline and Narrow Power Recline | ISM to Power Leg Right,without Power Recline and Narrow Power Recline |
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7B | 111564-150 | ISM ACTUATOR HARNESS - 1500mm - 59" (A-3 LABEL)- ISM to Power Leg Left, without Power Recline and Wide Power Recline | ISM to Power Leg Left, without Power Recline and Wide Power Recline |
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7C | 111564-160 | ISM ACTUATOR HARNESS - 1600mm - 63" (A-2 LABEL)- ISM to Power Leg Left Narrow Power Recline | ISM to Power Leg Left Narrow Power Recline |
EA |
7D | 108278-170 | ISM ACTUATOR HARNESS - 1700mm - 67" (A-3 LABEL)- ISM to Power Leg Right Wide Power Recline | ISM to Power Leg Right Wide Power Recline | N/A | EA | Please Call |
7E | 108278-050 | THRU DRIVE ACTUATOR HARNESS - 500mm - 19.5"- ISM to Recline Sheer Actuator Wide Back Power Recline | ISM to Recline Sheer Actuator Wide Back Power Recline | N/A | EA | Please Call |
7F | 124934-035 | ISM ACTUATOR HARNESS - 350mm -14 " (A-3 LABEL)- ISM to Recline Sheer Act Narrow Back Power Recline | ISM to Recline Sheer Act Narrow Back Power Recline | N/A | EA | Please Call |
8A | 124913 | RECLINE HARNESS WITH LEVEL SWITCH- ISM to Recline Actuator Narrow Back Power Recline | ISM to Recline Actuator Narrow Back Power Recline | N/A | EA | Please Call |
8B | 124925 | RECLINE HARNESS WITH LEVEL SWITCH- ISM to Recline Actuator Wide Back Power Recline | ISM to Recline Actuator Wide Back Power Recline |
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9 | 108309-120 | ISM ACTUATOR HARNESS - 1200mm - 47"- ISM to Tilt | ISM to Tilt |
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10 | 116507-070 | 2/3 AXIS & ISM ACTUATOR POWER/INHIBIT HARNESS - 700mm - 27.5"- Controller Charger Port to 2/3 Axis Actuator Ext Harness | Controller Charger Port to 2/3 Axis Actuator Ext Harness |
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11 | 119286-080 | 2/3 AXIS ACTUATOR EXT HARNESS- 2/3 Axis Actuator Driver to 2/3 Axis Actuator Power Harness | 2/3 Axis Actuator Driver to 2/3 Axis Actuator Power Harness |
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N/A | EA | Please Call | ||||
12A | 116467 | HARN INHBT 3 TLT/LFT- Use before S/N M710C-125571, M715C-113506, M720C-126202; Plugs into Controller Charger Port | Use before S/N M710C-125571, M715C-113506, M720C-126202; Plugs into Controller Charger Port |
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12B | 243299 | HARN INHBT 3TLT/LFT- Use after S/N M710C-125571, M715C-113506, M720C-126202; Plugs into Controller Charger Port | Use after S/N M710C-125571, M715C-113506, M720C-126202; Plugs into Controller Charger Port |
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13B | 243300 | INHIBIT PLUG - NON TILT CHAIR- Use after S/N M710C-125571, M715C-113506, M720C-126202; Plugs into ISM Inhibit Port | Use after S/N M710C-125571, M715C-113506, M720C-126202; Plugs into ISM Inhibit Port |
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15A | 123530-070 | TILT/LIFT ACTUATOR HARNESS 700MM (27.5")- AHAB 12-16" deep | AHAB 12-16" deep |
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15B | 123530-080 | TILT/LIFT ACTUATOR HARNESS 800MM (31.5")- AHAB 12-16" deep Narrow Power Recline Back | AHAB 12-16" deep Narrow Power Recline Back | N/A | EA | Please Call |
15C | 123530-100 | TILT/LIFT ACTUATOR HARNESS 1000MM (39")- Wide Power Recline Back | Wide Power Recline Back |
EA |
16 | 130803 | HARN, RNET BUS SPLITTER- Used with CTRL+5 with Joystick, Omni, and Attendant | Used with CTRL+5 with Joystick, Omni, and Attendant |
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17 | 126979 | HARN ACT COMBO SW 500mm- 2-Axis Driver to Cable Track for Tilt/Lift combo | 2-Axis Driver to Cable Track for Tilt/Lift combo | N/A | EA | Please Call |
18 | 127318 | HARN BASE TLC THRU DRIVE- Thru-Drive Tilt/Lift combo with VR-2 | Thru-Drive Tilt/Lift combo with VR-2 | N/A | EA | Please Call |
19 | 128228 | HARN RNET TLC THRU DRIVE- Thru-Drive Tilt/Lift combo with ISM in Base | Thru-Drive Tilt/Lift combo with ISM in Base | N/A | EA | Please Call |
20 | 21811007 | MEMORY RESET SWITCH LOOM |
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