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Zippie 2 - Z2 (chairs W/ S/n Prefix Z2 With Some Exceptions See Frame Pages For Details)

Name: Zippie 2 - Z2 (Chairs w/ S/N Prefix Z2 With Some Exceptions SEe Frame Pages For Details): Soft Feel Leg Strap
Manufacturer: Sunrise Medical
Soft Feel Leg Strap parts diagram
(Click on image to enlarge)

Pos. Part # Description Price UOM Buy
1A 109356S LEG STRAP SOFT FEEL Q 11 -12"
1B 109357S LEG STRAP SOFT FEEL Q 13 -15"
1C 109366S LEG STRAP SOFT FEEL Q 16 -18"
1D 111487S LEG STRAP SOFT FEEL Q 19 -20"