Zippie Voyage Eiz16
Name: Zippie Voyage Eiz16: Vertical Mount Vent Tray
Manufacturer: Sunrise Medical
Manufacturer: Sunrise Medical
Note: the Trilogy Mount Adapter (item 4) is used by removing the 4 mounting bolts that hold the existing mount, then placing the Adapter Plate underneath the existing bracket; this allows the client to use both the adapter mount on the Voyage stroller and their home docking station.
Pos. | Part # | Description | Remarks | Price | UOM | Buy |
1A, 2, 3 | 126024 | VERTICAL VENT MOUNT LTV- LTV | LTV |
EA |
1B, 2 - 4 | 126025 | VERTICAL VENT MOUNT TRILOGY- Trilogy | Trilogy |
EA |
2 | 126026 | VENT HOLDER STRAP |
EA |
3 | 125915 | STRAP ASSEMBLY KIT |
EA |
4 | 127211S | TRILOGY MOUNT ADAPTER- see note | see note |
EA |